Many More Reasons Why Obama Will Win

I believe Obama will win the election. I’ve posted it about a couple of times already (here and here). I keep thinking I’m done with it, but there keeps being more and more evidence that points in that direction.

I wanted to have another well written piece discussing all the various reasons why. I collected links to a whole bunch of articles giving different reasons why, which I was I going to use as reference to write this piece. (Thank you Political Wire!) The problem is there is just so much evidence. I would be hard pressed to summarize it all. So I thought I would just give you the links, so you could see for yourself.

And lest you think I’m just cherry picking the stories that are good for Obama, I’m not. In all of the sources I usually read, there really hasn’t been much in the way of evidence to bolster the case for Romney. There just hasn’t.

So without further ado, a list of links to stories showing why Obama will win the election:

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